Some companies may have insurance cover for losses triggered by a specific external event – e.g. for business interruption or third party claims.
For many companies, accounting for insurance proceeds will be a new area. In many cases, the key question is when is it appropriate to recognise the expected proceeds from an insurance claim? To determine this, companies need to consider the nature and timing of the insured event.
Global IFRS and Corporate Reporting Leader
Under IFRS ® Accounting Standards, the accounting for insurance proceeds depends on whether a company recognises a provision for the insured event.
As a result of an external event, a company may struggle to fulfil its legal or contractual obligations and may incur penalties that give rise to a provision. Insurance proceeds may reimburse some or all of the expenditure necessary to settle the provision.
Insurance proceeds to settle a provision are accounted for as reimbursements under IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets and are recognised as a separate asset (with related income) when recovery is virtually certain. The amount recognised as a reimbursement right is limited to the amount of the related provision. [IAS 37.53]
Compensation for business interruption
Insurance proceeds may compensate a company for business interruption – e.g. for lost profits caused by a specific external event. The ability to claim these proceeds will depend on the specific terms of the insurance contract, actions taken by the government and interpretation of the applicable law. For example, if all restaurants are ordered to close by the government, then they may be able to claim under their insurance contracts.
Lost profits, by themselves, do not give rise to a provision. Therefore, compensation for business interruption is not a reimbursement right under IAS 37 and should be accounted for by analogy to guidance on compensation for impairment under IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment. Following that guidance, a company recognises the compensation for business interruption as a receivable when it has an unconditional right to receive the compensation.
A company would have an unconditional contractual right to receive compensation if:
The compensation receivable would be measured based on the amount and timing of the expected cash flows discounted at the rate that reflects the credit risk of the insurer. [IAS 16.65–66, Insights and 198.10]
References to ‘Insights’ mean our publication Insights into IFRS ®