This collection contains FEMA GO user guides for the Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG) programs:
The intended audiences are AFG stakeholders, which include but are not limited to award recipients and the communities they serve.
This guide will assist users with completing FEMA GO Reports.
This Guide assists those with AOR and PGA roles with a Request for Information.
This Guide provides instructions for External and Internal FEMA GO Users that are serving in one of the following roles: Authorized Organization Representative (AOR), Financial Member, Programmatic Member, Assistance Officer or Grant Management Specialist. Will guide the user through logging in and navigating the system to complete a request for payment.
This guide will assist those serving in the role of Authorized Organization Representative, Program Administrator, and Program Specialist to submit or conduct a review of a Performance Progress Report.
This user guide provides a step-by-step process on how to request an amendment in FEMA GO.
This Guide provides instructions for FEMA GO External Users to log-in, start an application or subapplication, and complete the sections required.
The following instructions are to emphasis how to sign and submit a grant application to FEMA.
The following instructions are to emphasize the importance of adding a secondary point of contact in FEMA GO when submitting a grant application.
This guide provides information on creating an account in the FEMA Grants Outcomes (FEMA GO) system.
This Guide provides instructions for External and Internal FEMA GO Users that are serving in one of the following roles: Authorized Organization Representative (AOR), Financial Member, Programmatic Member, Assistance Officer or Grant Management Specialist. Will guide the user through logging in and navigating the system to complete a request for payment.
This is a user guide on how to start and submit an application for an Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) for supplemental funding for COVID-19.