National Youth Services Act

AN ACT to provide for the establishment and regulation of a National Youth Services Council and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.


Arrangement of Sections

2. Establishment of National Youth Services Council.

3. Council to be a body corporate.

4. Objects of the Council.

5. Powers of the Council.

6. Council to be subject to the directions of the Minister.

7. Power of delegation.

8. Constitution of the Council.

9. Term of office of member.

10. Vacation of office.

11. No writ to issue against person or property of a member of the Council.

12. Reimbursement of expenses incurred in any suit or prosecution.

13. Remuneration of members.

14. Signing of instruments on behalf of the Council.

15. Meetings of the Council.

16. Powers, duties and functions of the Director-General.

17. Appointment of panels.

18. Acts of the Council or Panels valid notwithstanding subsequent discovery of vacancy.

19. Appointment, remuneration of offices and servants.

20. Appointment of public officers to the staff of the Council.

21. Officers and servants of the National Youth Service Council.

22. Transfer of assets and liabilities of the National Youth Service Council to the Council established under this Act.

23. Members, officers and servants of the Council deemed to be public servants.

24. Service to Council to be considered as service to Government for purpose of contract.

25. Grants to Council by Government.

26. Fund of the Council.

27. Application of property.

28. Accounts of the Council and financial year.

29. Auditor of accounts of the Council.

30. The Auditor-General's Report.

31. Annual accounts with the Auditor-General's Report transmitted to the Minister.

32. Application of the provisions of the Public Corporations (Financial Control) Act.

33. Council deemed to be a scheduled Institution within the meaning of the Bribery Act.

AN ACT to provide for the establishment and regulation of a National Youth Services Council and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

[Date of Commencement: 1 st January, 1980 ]

This Act may be cited as the National Youth Services Act.

2 . Establishment of National Youth Services Council.

There shall be established a Council called the National Youth Services Council (hereinafter referred to as "the Council”) consisting of the persons who are for the time being members of the Council under section 8.

3 . Council to be a body corporate.

The Council shall be a body corporate with perpetual, succession and a common seal and may sue and be sued in its corporate name.

4 . Objects of the Council.

The objects for which the Council is established are hereby declared to be, to promote the interests of the youth of Sri Lanka so as to ensure their full development, and in particular —

( a ) to foster among youth a spirit of national consciousness, a sense of discipline, an awareness of social and economic problems and a sense of dignity of labour;

( b ) to enlist the participation of youth in national development schemes;

( c ) to promote goodwill and mutual understanding between youth in Sri Lanka and in other countries;

( d ) to encourage competition and a sense of achievement among youth;

( e ) to widen the knowledge of youth and to give training in fields relevant to development;

( f ) to encourage cultural, literary and artistic activities among youth;

( g ) to encourage the development of physical culture and sports among youths;

( h ) to provide recreational and entertainment facilities for youth;

( i ) to assist youth who are handicapped;

( j ) to provide regular employment opportunities for youth by constructively investing funds on a long term policy basis with an aim to strengthen the economic fabric of the State;

( k ) to provide opportunities for the participation of youth in the formulation and implementation of policy;

( l ) to establish youth organisations and to assist organisations already established for youth welfare;

( m ) to plan, co-ordinate, promote and direct the expansion of youth services; and

( n ) to develop the inherent characteristics of the individual youth.

5 . Powers of the Council.

(1) The Council shall have the power to acquire, hold, take or give on hire or lease, and to pledge or sell or otherwise dispose of, any immovable or movable property:

Provided, however, that no immovable property of the Council shall be sold without the prior approval in writing of the Minister.

(2) The Council shall have the power —

( a ) with the prior approval in writing of the Minister, to engage in any agricultural, industrial, commercial, social or public utility enterprises connected with or incidental to any of the objects of the Council;

( b ) to charge fees for services rendered or provided by the Council;

( c ) to establish and register youth organisations, and give advice, provide technical knowledge and grant financial assistance to such organisations;

( d ) to foster co-operation with similar youth organisations in other countries with a view to promoting mutual understanding between the youth in Sri Lanka and abroad;

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