One of my favorite activities to use during math instruction involves math error analysis. I love having my students dig deeper into a concept or skill by analyzing, identifying, and explaining errors in example work. In this post, I will discuss a few of my favorite benefits to using math error analysis tasks and then some ideas for how to easily implement these types of tasks in your classroom, including free error analysis tasks!
Let’s begin with the why it is a good idea to have students analyze math errors.
Now, that we know why we should be having students analyze math errors and participate in error analysis tasks, let’s talk about how you can implement this in your classroom immediately.
I believe in this type of math instruction so much that I want to share a free pack of error analysis math tasks for you to try out.
These tasks are standards based (with the standard easily labeled in the corner) and the complete set includes a few tasks per standard for lots of practice. The tasks all follow the same format: a task is shown with the student’s answer as well as their work or thinking. The student must identify the error that was made and explain why they think the student made the error. Then, the students solve the problem or task correctly and explain their thinking. Take a peek at a few examples.
These are nine different error analysis math tasks in the free resource, three tasks for 3rd grade, three tasks for 4th grade, and three for fifth grade. (Note: The FREE error analysis math tasks are not the exact tasks shown.)
I am loving all that writing that goes along with these tasks (Click here for more ways to get your students writing in math). These type of tasks are also perfect for improving your students use of math language. The tasks allow you to see where your students are in their current abilities to write about math. You can plan further instruction based on that.
If you want even more error analysis math tasks that are specific to the grade you teach, click your grade level shown in the collage below.